1. Parents/Guardians are requested to attend meetings which will be called for by the school for the purpose of discussing topics of mutual interest to parents and teachers.
  2. Your child’s education is a partnership between the school and the home. You have the duty to inspect your child’s assignment notebook regularly. Your regular follow-up of the child’s activities and lessons in school is of utmost importance.
  3. Parents, relatives, “yayas” will not be allowed to stay within the school premises during class hours after the first week of classes. Special cases should be referred to the principal.
  4. Parents who need to see a teacher for important matters concerning their child are discouraged from going directly to the classroom especially during class hours. You should inform the office about this and the teacher concerned will be called for. Any item or message for the students should be coursed through the Security Personnel.
  5. Letters sent by the school to parents should be given attention. Responses should be sent immediately.
  6. Discourage your children from wearing expensive jewelry and from bringing cellphones, expensive toys and big amount of money to school to avoid occasions of temptations.
  7. Parents who bring their children to school are advised to leave them at the gate. You are expected to fetch them on time.
  8. Tuition, computer and tutorial fees should be paid monthly. Accounts should be settled before each periodical test.
  9. Giving of blow-outs during birthdays and other occasions is being discouraged in all levels.

